Holiday Tour and Training Session

Date(s) - Saturday, December 18, 2021 ∙ 1:00 PM
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
The Tempel Lipizzans
Enjoy the festive holiday spirit in our sprawling indoor arena under heat lamps and in our decorated stallion stables. This is a live, moderated event which explains beginning to advanced dressage training. Following the training session, have your photo taken with “Santa Brosie” and tour the stables where there’s a stocking on each stall door.
Our equine dancers may be born with the genetic material to perform their graceful moves, but it takes the intersection of a thoughtful rider and a willing horse to create the great expression of harmony through movement for which the Lipizzan horse is known. Each segment is moderated by our Program Director and takes time to explain the basics of how Lipizzans are raised, trained and taught to “dance”.
Less than an hour drive from downtown, Tempel Lipizzans is a European cultural gem right in your backyard.